Core Technology Corporation has developed a solution to electronically exchange information about cases with Law Enforcement in a timely, dependable and secure manner. Using standards based on (NIEM) National Information Exchange Model, the Michigan Data Exchange (Mi-DEx) and National Data Exchange (N-DEx), Core Technology solutions support the exchange, analysis, sharing, reporting and display of data. The flow of critical data assists the justice community in making informed decisions, increases the efficiency of users and improves data accuracy.
How it Works
Law Enforcement records information in their Record Management System (RMS). Once the incident report is complete and ready to be sent to the Prosecutor, the Law Enforcement agency electronically sends the data through T-DEx. Reports from all agencies supported by the Prosecutor are displayed in the Talon-PR CommandCenter dashboard. Prosecutors select cases to be imported to their Case Management System. As the Prosecutor works on their case, updates populate the Law Enforcement RMS.
Leverage Your Existing Investments
Law Enforcement RMS data can be exchanged electronically with the Prosecutor using the current data sharing infrastructure utilized by most agencies in the State.
Save Time and Money
TDEx saves you time and money by using technology to exchange data between Law Enforcement and Prosecutor, as opposed to Officers physically delivering paper case files to the Prosecutor’s office and waiting for the information to be accepted and reviewed.